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EJI – PATER II (2019)

2nd Young Researchers' Meeting in Heritage and Territory Studies

The EJI-PATER – Young Researchers’ Meeting in Heritage and Territory Studies aims to be a scientific event of exchange, discussion and reflection directed at young researchers and professionals of the most diverse scientific areas, such as Archaeology, Anthropology, Architecture, Geology, History, Geography among many others.

The founding principles of EJI-PATER are based on the dissemination of scientific production, openness to transversality and the stimulation of scientific interdisciplinarity.

While maintaining the focus on scientific transversality and inclusiveness, the second edition of EJI-PATER aims to challenge young researchers to break epistemological barriers and to share (objectives, methods and results of) their work with researchers from other areas, exploring possible affinities provided by the object of study.


Envisioning a holistic approach that contributes to multi and interdisciplinary valorisation, the second edition is structured in 6 thematic axes:

1 – Human being, fauna and flora;

2 – Spaces and environments;

3 – Societies;

4 – Technologies;

5 – Materialities;

6 – Forms of expression and representation;


EJI-PATER is intended to serve all young researchers: graduated, master’s and PhD’s students, masters or PhD that achieved their grade at least at 10 years, so as other non-academic affiliated elements (or teams) (belonging to City Halls, Companies, etc.) which pretend to participate.

All proposals will be subjected to scientific expertise. The event format will contemplate three days of oral and posters presentations, posteriorly publishing the accepted works.

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This initiative has the support of the Project Lab2PT – Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory ‐ AUR/04509 with the financial support of FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) and co-financed of the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), refª POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007528, through the new partnership agreement PT2020 through COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI).



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