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Rules and submission of proposals


EJI-PATER is intended to serve all young researchers: graduated, master’s and PhD’s students, masters or PhD that achieved their grade at least at 10 years, so as other non academic affiliated elements (or teams) (belonging to City Halls, Companies, etc.) which pretend to participate.

All proposals will be subjected to scientific expertise. The event format will contemplate three days of oral and posters presentations, posteriorly publishing the accepted works.

Proposals with multiple authors, regardless of their number, must have as their first author a "young researcher".

Oral presentations, apart from exceptional cases, must be given by one (or more) "young researcher".

Depending on its object of study, each proposal should be inserted in one of the thematic axes that structure the meeting (see "Presentation" tab).

The abstract will serve, in the review process, to validate the adequacy of the proposal to the selected thematic axis.

The organization reserves the right to change the thematic axis of the submitted proposals.

Abstracts submitted for oral presentation may, after review, be proposed for poster.

Languages accepted: Portuguese, Spanish and co-official languages of Spain (Catalan, Galician, Basque ...), French, English, Italian.


Abstracts (presentations and/or posters)

Text and abstract formatting:

1. Title (Portuguese and English): Times New Roman 14, italic bold, centred and spaced at 1,5.

2. Name of the author(s), filiation and e-mail contact: Times New Roman 10, centred and spaced at 1,5. Filiation in footnote.

3. Thematic axis of the proposal.

4. Abstract (until 300 words) and 5 keywords: Times New Roman 12, normal, justified and spaced at 1,5


5. Bibliography: Times New Roman 12, normal, justified, advanced on the 1st line of 1,25 and spaced at 1,5


6. Publishing standards and bibliographic references:


7. Brief biography of the first author


8. Submission to the email: (indicating on the subject matter the kind of work being submitted: presentation or poster).

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This initiative has the support of the Project Lab2PT – Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory ‐ AUR/04509 with the financial support of FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) and co-financed of the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), refª POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007528, through the new partnership agreement PT2020 through COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI).



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